MATRIX NO. :2013181145







MATRIX NO: 2013754433





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MATRIX NO. : 2013117265



WAN AMANINA.Task 1.docx

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I’ve learn about projectile motion when I was in first semester in university. Even I’ve learn about this long time ago, it still make me want to learn about it more. But, today I want talk a little bit about projectile motion and I hope enjoy it.

Projectile motion is about something that move against the gravity. There are 3 types of projectile motion which is:

  1. An object dropped from rest. (provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible).
  2. An object that is thrown vertically upward. (provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible).
  3. An object which is thrown upward at an angle to the horizontal. (provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible)

The projectile motion must have a force to move it, which is a gravity force. This force is always acting downward. Many students have difficulty with the concept that the only force acting upon an upward moving projectile is gravity. Their conception of motion prompts them to think that if an object is moving upward, then there must be an upward force and if an object is moving upward and rightward, there must be both an upward and rightward force. According to Newton’s Second laws:

The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

It suggest that forces are only required to cause an acceleration (not a motion). Force is only required to maintain an acceleration. And in the case of a projectile that is moving upward, there is a downward force and a downward acceleration. That is, the object is moving upward and slowing down.

For example:

  1. A cannonball shot horizontally from a very high cliff at a high speed.

Okey, if the gravity is “off” the cannonball will move in the way of gravity-free path. But then, our earth have the gravity and it will causes the cannonball will move in the way of actual projectile motion with some angle. our earth have the gravity and it will causes the cannonball will move in the way of actual projectile motion with some angle.Gravity causes a vertical acceleration. The ball will drop vertically below its otherwise straight-line, inertial path. Gravity is the downward force upon a projectile that influences its vertical motion and causes the parabolic trajectory that is characteristic of projectiles.

2) An Angry Bird thrown upward at any angle to the horizontal.

Projectiles can also be launched at an angle to the Earth’s surface. When this occurs, the velocity in the vertical direction (viy) is no longer equal to zero. There is velocity in both the horizontal and vertical directions and the shape of the trajectory will now include both sides of the parabola as the projectile moves up and as it moves down.

However, the analysis of the motion is virtually the same as before. It is different with the example 1. In this example, we must calculate the initial vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity. To determine the initial vertical and horizontal components of initial velocity,we must trigonometric identities.

Because of we are ignoring air resistance, there is no external force in the horizontal direction.   So the horizontal component of velocity will remain equal at any point along the projectile’s path.

In the horizontal direction:

In the vertical direction:

Here are some of the special points to made note of:

  1. Initially the vertical component of velocity is large and acting in the upwards direction.
  2. As the projectile continues to move upwards, the vertical velocity decreases at a rate of 9.81m/s^2(acceleration due to gravity).
  3. When the projectile reaches the top of the trajectory (its maximum height), the vertical component of velocity is zero.   At this point, the velocity is equal to the horizontal component of velocity.
  4. As the projectile moves downward, the vertical component of velocity increases in the downward direction; again, at a rate of 9.81 m/s^2

So,that’s all about the projectile motion that I can talk about. Thanks guys! 🙂


As we known that physics is “the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them”, but what are really means is that physics is about asking fundamental questions and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting. Sometimes people would asking a really big question like:

“How did the universe begin ?”

” How will the universe change in the future?”

” How does the sun keep shining?”

” What are the building block of matter?”

Do you know that if you think these questions  are fascinating, then you will like physics. Because of what? That feeling comes from your mind and you fall in love in these physics. One day you will be one of “The Physicians”.

Than you will keep asking what do physics do? Here what i got from many article. Those who write about this for me is interesting. Many physicists work in ‘pure’ research, trying to find answers to these of questions. The answers they come up with often lead to unexpected technological applications. For example, all of the technology we take for granted today, including games consoles, mobile phones, mp3 players, and DVDs, is based on a theoretical understanding of electrons that was developed around the turn of 20th century.

Physics does not just deal with theoretical concepts. It is applied in every sphere of human activity, including the development of sustainable forms of energy production, treating cancer through radiotherapy, and diagnosing illness through various types imaging, all based on physics. Developing computer games and design and manufacture of sports equipment also one of physics. For addition if you love about the nature, understanding and predicting the earthquakes one of the job from physicists do.

keep clam and learn physics

keep clam and learn physics

In facts, pretty much every sector you can think of needs people with physics knowledge. IT’S ALL ABOUT PHYSICS .. 


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum people.. So, today I want to share something awesome with you guys and of course it must related with Physics !!

Physics (3)

The reason why every child dreads the science paper, wondering why was it only an apple that fell on Newton’s head and not a bomb, burning with jealousy caused by the ease at which the commerce students flip the pages of their book, forever questioning the time that changes according to how fast you are moving and various other weird theories that have been put forward by the physicists over time and hoping for their silver lining to arrive soon. This is the general mindset of every student about to face a physics examination the next day. So, here are few amazing & very interesting facts about Physics which shall help you to get through the night and emerge as heroes.

Interesting Facts About Physics

#1: Every Woman’s Dream

Being an astronaut is the dream a majority of women. Well, now we know why? Both velocity and gravity have an effect on the speed of time; the higher the velocity, the slower time passes. Astronauts present at the International Space Station (ISS), who are in reduced gravity compared to people on Earth but traveling at increased speed about it, experience time more slowly, at a rate of roughly 1 second ‘lost’ every 747 days, so the lady still gets to feel pretty 😛

#2: The Inconsistent Light

We are always told to be as fast as light. Well here is answer for all those who hate being told that. Light travels fast only in a vacuum. It is slowed whenever it passes through something, being measured as traveling as slowly as just 38 miles per hour at absolute zero (-273.15C) through ultra-cooled rubidium.

#3: As Small as a Sugar Cube

Atoms have 99.9999999999999 per cent empty space. If you force all the atoms jointly, eradicating the space between them, grinding them down so the all those vast empty cathedrals would compressed into the small nuclei, a single teaspoon or sugar cube of the resulting mass would weigh five billion tons; about ten times the weight of all the humans who are currently alive.

#4: The Mysterious Question

Despite all the advances made in astrophysics in recent years, we don’t know what makes up the majority of the universe. The possible to make reasonable estimates of the mass of the universe, except the visible matter (stars, planets, stellar objects) only accounts for 2% of that; what exactly makes up the rest – so-called ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ – remains a mystery.

#5: The Shining Angle

Sunlight reflects off water at the same angle it is shines on it.


#6: The Under Pressure

Diamonds can be made from graphite by applying a temperature of 3000 Celsius and pressure as high as 100,000 atm.

#7: Feeling Wet!

50 times as much as all the water that is present in the rivers and lakes combined is present in the ground soil.

#8: The Warmth

The amount of heat in the Earth’s entire atmosphere is equivalent to the heat present in the first ten feet of the ocean.

#9: The Smart Swimmer

One of the most amazing & interesting fact about Physics on earth is “The Dead Sea”, which is known for its density due to the presence of salt, as a result of which you can easily float on it without drowning, so one can always claim to be a swimmer there.

#10: The Competitors

The flashing lightning bolt is 3 times hotter compared to the sun, seems like the sun also has to face competition.

There’re way more fun and amazing facts that we got to know if you are interested with this awesome course like us !! And yes, I’m not joking if you don’t believe me you can search for more information that relating with Physics right down below..

Read more: click me :’)

Until then guys, Assalamualaikum




Ok, firstly we’re new in wordpress and this blog is assignment for our subject CSC134. You see that pic? YUP !! That pic three of us who made this site. We’re from UiTM Tapah, Perak. From left SITI NORAFIQAH BINTI MOHAMED SAIDI,WAN AMANINA LIANA BINTI WAN IBRAHIM AND NUR AZLIANA FITRI BINTI ABD HALIM. We’re a proud physicians course dip in science part 4. We will update our blog regularly 🙂 Hope all of you will enjoy it and love physics. Our blog IT’S ALL ABOUT PHYSICS ! 🙂